
The HOC Forum is here to provide information and assistance to all folk interested in keeping Hesketh V-Twins on the road.  You don't have to be a HOC Member to join, just register for an account and join in the conversation....

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Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: Tank decal cockerel
Last post by David B - January 31, 2025, 10:05:53 AM
Thanks for the information I will give them a call.
Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: Tank decal cockerel
Last post by HOCAdmin - January 28, 2025, 03:19:01 PM

The original transfers were water slide and the last club stock has proved temperamental due to their age and the developments in modern paint and 2K lacquer. 
I have purchased several sets of transfers from 'The Image Works' who are based in Ilkeston Derbyshire and found them to be extremely helpful.

The transfers are printed onto 70 micron vinyl and after the first coat of lacquer has been flattened off they merge into the paintwork much better than the thicker vinyl being used by some transfer suppliers.

'The Image Works' manufacturer transfers to order and Graham in their Sales Department can be contacted via or on 0115 944 3111.  Graham has a wealth of experience previously working for Dream Machine.


Hesketh-Related Chat / Tank decal cockerel
Last post by David B - January 25, 2025, 11:42:25 AM
Hi does anyone know where I can get a cockerel decal for my Vampire tank?
I am re painting it but do not want to start until I have one.
Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: VORTAN.
Last post by Hesketh Rider - December 28, 2024, 12:08:16 PM
Hi Dave , Thanks for the info , i was hoping the Vortan was now owned by a club member . I wasn't a member at the time of the sale or at the point Sock 137 Nov 2022 was printed , if you could email me a copy that would be spot on .
Regards Mark HOC member 350
Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: VORTAN.
Last post by Dave Snr - December 28, 2024, 09:00:31 AM
Hi Hesketh Rider,
Vortan was sold at auction and is owned by a Hesketh club member.
Data protection does prevent me revealing the owner's identity unless I have their permission first, but club members can look back to Sock 137 dated Nov 2022 and see photos of the Vortan when the club tour visited the owner/member.
Any member that has lost this or any other Sock and wants a copy, I can email them a pdf version.
Hope that helps.
Dave, club sec
Hesketh-Related Chat / VORTAN.
Last post by Hesketh Rider - December 27, 2024, 06:17:18 PM
Hi to all , does anyone know what has happened to the Hesketh Vortan since it was sold at auction . I seem to think its not in the UK anymore , is it in the hands of a Hesketh club member . I have asked Mick and he has lost touch with it . If anyone know of the Vortans whereabouts could you give me a call on 0161 916308 please
Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: Vampire
Last post by Giovanni Polegato - December 24, 2024, 02:46:55 PM
Thank you so much Dave.

Merry christmas and happy new year !
Hi Jeff i have finally managed to get on to the forum hoping to open up some photos of the inside of one of these hesketh engines . your valve clearance post seemed as good as any , however when i click on pic it opens up something about sky holidays 2024 , internet carrier near me , and iphone holiday deals any idea whats going on or is it me
Hi Don,
I assume you have the standard Brembo M/C and are using a genuine Brembo PS15 seal kit. Testing the M/C on the bench with some fluid in the reservoir you should get fluid coming out of the banjo connection point and when you actuate the lever, fluid at pressure! If you don'e get fluid then reason could be blocked hole that allows fluid from the reservoir into the cylinder or the piston is not retracting fully to uncover the hole. Or you have damaged seals or corroded bore. Try applying compressed air to the banjo connection on the M/C and air should come out through the reservoir.
Hope this helps.
Hesketh-Related Chat / Re: Vampire
Last post by Dave Snr - December 10, 2024, 08:23:59 AM
Hi Giovanni,

Club members can access the technical section of the website and one of the files in there is a list of engine/frame numbers with model information to the best of the club's knowledge.
Just checked the file and there are 18 bikes noted as Vampire.
Hope this helps.
If you have a Vampire or V1000 or want to find/buy one then please join the club.
Dave H